Global Pool Cover

Pool Water Maintenance Demystified

Swimming pools offer a great way to beat the scorching sun. Owning a swimming pool in your backyard is indeed a privilege that most people yearn for. However, this privilege translates to responsibility. Apart from swimming in your pool, you need to pay close attention to pool water maintenance to ensure the pool remains in good condition for a long time.

Swimming pools are often exposed to different weather elements such as rain, debris and snow among others. Fallen leaves and other organic waste tend to collect on the surface. Such waste materials decompose, attract bacteria and trigger the spread of various waterborne diseases, such as dysentery, typhoid, and cholera just to name a few. This is where pool water maintenance comes in handy. Here are some tips on pool water maintenance.

Pool Water Maintenance

Chlorine Level: Generally, chlorination is performed as pool water maintenance to sanitize the water in the pool. When you add certain chemicals, like calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite, to the pool water it will be sterilized. Chlorination destroys bacterial and algae formation. The amount of free chlorine that should be maintained in the pool water is about 1.0-3.0ppm. Bromine is another chemical that can be used to sanitize the pool.

Water pH: The pH level should be checked at least twice each week. pH level refers to the alkalinity or acidity measure and the pH level of pool water should be about 7.2-7.6 because chlorine is more efficient at this level. Highly alkaline water leads to water clouding, whereas highly acidic water can corrode the pool metal equipment. You can also add muriatic acid to increase the acidity of the water. On the same note, soda ash or baking soda can also be added to increase alkalinity. The addition of alkali or acid is based on whether the pool is too acidic or alkaline in nature.

Check Skimmer Basket: The skimmer basket should be checked and any debris removed twice every week. A surface skimmer or leaf net may be used in removing unwanted materials, such as insects, bird droppings and leaves from the pool surface. When it comes to removing debris from the pool floor, you can use a leaf bagger. Powdered or liquid tile cleaning agents can be used to clear scum rings and lines from the pool tiles.

Shock Treatment: Shock treatment is necessary because pool requires free chlorine rather than combined chlorine. This treatment breaks up combined chlorine compounds to increase the free chlorine level in the pool. In addition, it eliminates the germs, thereby leaving your spool sparkling and attractive. The shock treatment should be performed as part of a pool water maintenance about once a week.

Using Algaecide and Clarifier: Algaecide and clarifier should be added to the pool once a week. An algaecide eliminates the algae without causing any damage to the pool tiles, while the clarifier handles cloudy water.

Brushing and Vacuuming: You can use a pool brush to remove dirt that has accumulated on the bottom and sides of the pool. Brush the pool thoroughly before vacuuming the pool.